NA 055
DIN Standards Committee Laboratory Devices and Installations
DIN EN ISO 385 [CURRENT] referenced in following documents:
Document number | Edition | Title |
DIN EN ISO 2871-2 | 2010-06 | Surface active agents - Detergents - Determination of cationic-active matter content - Part 2: Cationic-active matter of low molecular mass (between 200 and 500) (ISO 2871-2:2010); German version EN ISO 2871-2:2010 More |
DIN EN ISO 5983-2 | 2009-10 | Animal feeding stuffs - Determination of nitrogen content and calculation of crude protein content - Part 2: Block digestion and steam distillation method (ISO 5983-2:2009); German version EN ISO 5983-2:2009 More |
DIN EN ISO 8968-3 | 2007-09 | Milk - Determination of nitrogen content - Part 3: Block-digestion method (Semi-micro rapid routine method) (ISO 8968-3:2004); German version EN ISO 8968-3:2007 More |
DIN EN 50414 ; VDE 0473-414:2007-03 | 2007-03 | Test methods for analysis of lead in PVC taken from insulation and sheath of electric and optical fibre cables - Method A: Total lead content determination with flame excitation atomic absorption spectrometry - Method B: Qualitative analysis of lead by lead sulphide staining; German version EN 50414:2006 More |
DIN 51559-1 | 2009-04 | Testing of mineral oils - Determination of the saponification number - Part 1: Saponification numbers above 2, colorindicator titration More |
DIN 51559-2 | 2009-04 | Testing of mineral oils - Determination of saponification number - Part 2: Color-indicator titration, insulating oils More |