NA 055

DIN Standards Committee Laboratory Devices and Installations

DIN ISO 7884-7 [CURRENT] references following documents:

Document number Edition Title
ISO 7884-2 1987-12 Glass; Viscosity and viscometric fixed points; Part 2 : Determination of viscosity by rotation viscometers More 
ISO 7884-3 1987-12 Glass; Viscosity and viscometric fixed points; Part 3 : Determination of viscosity by fibre elongation viscometer More 
ISO 7884-4 1987-12 Glass; Viscosity and viscometric fixed points; Part 4 : Determination of viscosity by beam bending More 
ISO 7884-5 1987-12 Glass; Viscosity and viscometric fixed points; part 5 : Determination of working point by sinking bar viscometer More 
ISO 7884-6 1987-12 Glass; Viscosity and viscometric fixed points; Part 6 : Determination of softening point More 
ISO 7884-8 1987-12 Glass; Viscosity and viscometric fixed points; Part 8 : Determination of (dilatometric) transformation temperature More