NA 058

DIN Standards Committee Lighting Technology

DIN 5031-8 [CURRENT] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
DIN 1304-1 1994-03 Letter symbols for physical quantities; symbols for general use More 
DIN 1304-2 1989-09 Letter symbols for physical quantities; symbols to be used in meteorology and geophysics More 
DIN 1341 1986-10 Heat transfer; concepts, dimensionless parameters More 
DIN 5030-1 2024-07 Spectral measurement of radiation - Part 1: Terminology, quantities, characteristic values More 
DIN 5031-10 2018-03 Optical radiation physics and illuminating engineering - Part 10: Photobiologically effective radiation, quantities, symbols and action spectra More 
DIN 5496 1991-05 Thermal radiation of volume radiators More 
DIN 58960-4 1991-01 Photometer for analytical tests; requirements for the description of technical data for the user More 
EN ISO 15858 2016-08 UV-C Devices - Safety information - Permissible human exposure (ISO 15858:2016) More 
ISO 15858 2016-07 UV-C Devices - Safety information - Permissible human exposure More 
LASI LV 16 2011-09 Kenngrößen zur Beurteilung raumklimatischer Grundparameter More