NA 054

DIN Standards Committee Plastics

DIN 8077 [CURRENT] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
Document number STLB-BauZ LB 681 CD-ROM Edition Title Gas-, Wasser- und Abwasserinstallationsarbeiten More 
Document number VDI 4640 Blatt 2 Edition 2019-06 Title Thermal use of the underground - Ground source heat pump systems More 
Document number DIN 16878 Edition 2017-07 Title Pipes and fittings of polypropylene (PP) for buried cable ducting - Dimensions and technical delivery conditions More 
Document number DIN 1988-200 Edition 2012-05 Title Codes of practice for drinking water installations - Part 200: Installation Type A (closed system) - Planning, components, apparatus, materials; DVGW code of practice More 
Document number DIN 4266-1 Edition 2011-11 Title Drainage pipes for landfills - Part 1: Drainage pipes made from PE and PP More 
Document number DIN 8078 Edition 2008-09 Title Polypropylene (PP) pipes - PP-H, PP-B, PP-R, PP-RCT - General quality requirements and testing More 
Document number DIN 86128-3 Edition 2021-04 Title Pipe couplings – Part 3: Pipe couplings intended for connecting pipes and fittings made of plastic-plastic/plastic-metal More 
Document number DVGW W 534 Edition 2015-07 Title Pipe connectors and pipe joints in drinking water installation More 
Document number DVS 2203-4 Edition 2021-12 Title Testing of welded joints of thermoplastics plates and tubes - Tensible creep test More 
Document number DVS 2205-1 Edition 2023-05 Title Berechnung von Behältern und Apparaten aus Thermoplasten - Kennwerte More