NA 031

DIN Standards Committee Firefighting and Fire Protection

DIN EN 54-20 [CURRENT] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
VdS 2095 2022-06 VdS-Richtlinien für automatische Brandmeldeanlagen - Planung und Einbau More 
VdS 2108 2024-01 VdS Guidelines for Foam Extinguishing Systems - Planning and Installation More 
VdS 2109 2024-01 VdS Guidelines for Water Spray Systems - Planning and Installation More 
VdS 2496 2024-08 VdS Guidelines for the Triggering of Fire Extinguishing Systems - Planning and Installation More 
VdS 2581 2021-10 VdS Guidelines for Smoke and Heat Exhaust Ventilation Systems - Electrical Control Devices - Requirements and Test Methods More 
VdS 3188 2019-10 VdS Guidelines for Water Mist Systems - Water Mist Sprinkler Systems and Water Mist Extinguishing Systems (High Pressure Systems) - Planning and Installation More 
VdS 3518 2024-10 Guidelines for Fire Extinguishing Systems - Safety and Health Protection in Connection with Gas Extinguishing Systems More 
VdS 3884 2020-06 Planning and Installation of Monitor Extinguishing Systems in the Refuse Management Industry More 
AMEV BMA 2019 ; AMEV Nr. 148:2019 2019 Planung, Bau und Betrieb von Brandmeldeanlagen in öffentlichen Gebäuden (BMA 2019) More 
DGUV Information 207-016 ; BGI/GUV-I 8681:2016-04 2016-04 Neu- und Umbauplanung im Krankenhaus unter Gesichtspunkten des Arbeitsschutzes - Basismodul More