NA 021

DIN Standards Committee Iron and Steel

DIN EN 10060 [CURRENT] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
VG 85217 2008-11 Railings for ships - Rope clamps and rope ears for rail stanchions; Text in German and English More 
VG 85221 2009-09 Weldable deck sockets - Dimensions, mounting; Text in Geman and English More 
VG 85483-7 2009-09 Replenishment at sea - High-line method - Part 7: Container for test weights; Text in German and English More 
VG 85494 2017-11 Replenishment at sea - High points; Text in German and English More 
VG 95519 2025-01 Tent peg with head; Text in German and English More 
WL 1.0504 2006-12 Ammunition steel - Non-alloy free-cutting steel containing lead - C45Pb More 
WL 1.0728 2006-12 Ammunition steel - Non-alloy containing sulfur steel containing lead - 60S20 More 
WL 1.3914-2 2024-12 Non-magnetizable austenitic steel - X2CrNiMnMoNNb21-15-7-3 - Part 2: Bars and sections More 
WL 1.3951-2 2024-12 Non-magnetizable austenitic steel - X2CrNiMoN22-15 - Part 2: Bars and sections More 
WL 1.5752 2006-12 Nickel-chromium case-hardened steel - 14NiCr14 More