NA 022

DKE German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN and VDE

DIN VDE 0278-629-2 ; VDE 0278-629-2:2025-02 ???din.label.webdb.content.articleState.RESERVABLE??? ???din.label.webdb.content.norm.quote.title???

???din.label.webdb.content.norm.docNr??? ???din.label.webdb.content.issue??? ???din.label.webdb.content.norm.title???
EN 50181 2010-07 Plug-in type bushings above 1 kV up to 52 kV and from 250 A to 2,50 kA for equipment other than liquid filled transformers ???din.label.webdb.content.norm.more??? 
EN 50464-2-2 2007-04 Three-phase oil-immersed distribution transformers 50 Hz, from 50 kVA to 2500 kVA with highest voltage for equipment not exceeding 36 kV - Part 2-2: Distribution transformers with cable boxes on the high-voltage and/or low-voltage side - Cable boxes type 1 for use on distribution transformers meeting the requirements of EN 50464-2-1 ???din.label.webdb.content.norm.more??? 
EN 60137 2017-11 Insulated bushings for alternating voltages above 1000 V (IEC 60137:2017) ???din.label.webdb.content.norm.more??? 
EN 60455-3-8 2013-07 Resin based reactive compounds used for electrical insulation - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 8: Resins for cable accessories (IEC 60455-3-8:2013) ???din.label.webdb.content.norm.more??? 
IEC 60183 2015-01 Guidance for the selection of high-voltage A.C. cable systems ???din.label.webdb.content.norm.more???