NA 022

DKE German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN and VDE

DIN EN IEC 60947-8 ; VDE 0660-302:2023-10 [CURRENT] references following documents:

Document number Edition Title
DIN ISO 2859-1 2014-08 Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes - Part 1: Sampling schemes indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection (ISO 2859-1:1999 + Cor. 1:2001 + Amd.1:2011); Text in German and English More 
DIN VDE V 0898-1-401 ; VDE V 0898-1-401:2020-03 2020-03 Thermistors - Directly heated positive step-function temperature coefficient - Part 1-401: Detail specification - Sensing application - Assessment level EZ thermistors More 
DIN VDE 0100-200 ; VDE 0100-200:2023-06 2023-06 Low voltage electrical installations - Part 200: Terms and definitions More 
DIN VDE 0660-3058 ; VDE 0660-3058:2022-03 2022-03 Switchgear and controlgear and their assemblies for low voltage - Environmental aspects (IEC TS 63058:2021) More 
IEC 60034-11 2020-10 Rotating electrical machines - Part 11: Thermal protection More 
IEC 60050-826 2022-08 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) - Part 826: Electrical installations More 
IEC 60079-0 2017-12 Explosive atmospheres - Part 0: Equipment - General requirements More 
IEC 60079-0 Corrigendum 1 2020-01 Explosive atmospheres - Part 0: Equipment - General requirements; Corrigendum 1 More 
IEC 60079-0 Interpretation Sheet 1 2019-04 Explosive atmospheres - Part 0: Equipment - General requirements; Interpretation Sheet 1 More 
IEC 60079-0 Interpretation Sheet 2 2019-06 Explosive atmospheres - Part 0: Equipment - General requirements; Interpretation Sheet 2 More