NA 022

DKE German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN and VDE

DIN EN 62282-3-201 ; VDE 0130-3-201:2023-04 [CURRENT] references following documents:

Document number Edition Title
ISO 80000-11 2019-10 Quantities and units - Part 11: Characteristic numbers More 
ISO 80000-12 2019-08 Quantities and units - Part 12: Condensed matter physics More 
ISO 80000-2 2019-08 Quantities and units - Part 2: Mathematics More 
ISO 80000-3 2019-10 Quantities and units - Part 3: Space and time More 
ISO 80000-4 2019-08 Quantities and units - Part 4: Mechanics More 
ISO 80000-5 2019-08 Quantities and units - Part 5: Thermodynamics More 
ISO 80000-7 2019-08 Quantities and units - Part 7: Light and radiation More 
ISO 80000-8 2020-02 Quantities and units - Part 8: Acoustics More 
ISO 80000-9 2019-08 Quantities and units - Part 9: Physical chemistry and molecular physics More 
ISO 9000 2015-09 Quality management systems - Fundamentals and vocabulary More