NA 022

DKE German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN and VDE

DIN EN IEC 62052-11 ; VDE 0418-2-11:2023-06 [CURRENT] references following documents:

Document number Edition Title
IEC 61000-4-5 AMD 1 2017-08 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-5: Testing and measurement techniques - Surge immunity test More 
IEC 61000-4-8 2009-09 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-8: Testing and measurement techniques - Power frequency magnetic field immunity test More 
IEC 61869-3 2011-07 Instrument transformers - Part 3: Additional requirements for inductive voltage transformers More 
IEC 62052-31 2015-09 Electricity metering equipment (AC) - General requirements, tests and test conditions - Part 31: Product safety requirements and tests More 
IEC 62054-21 2004-05 Electricity metering (a.c.) - Tariff and load control - Part 21: Particular requirements for time switches More 
IEC 62056-6-1 2017-08 Electricity metering data exchange - The DLMS/COSEM suite - Part 6-1: Object Identification System (OBIS) More 
IEC 62059-32-1 2011-12 Electricity Metering Equipment - Dependability - Part 32-1: Durability - Testing of the stability of metrological characteristics by applying elevated temperature More 
ISO/IEC Guide 98-3 2008-09 Uncertainty of measurement - Part 3: Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM:1995) More 
DIN EN IEC 60068-2-5 ; VDE 0468-2-5:2019-02 2019-02 Environmental testing - Part 2-5: Tests - Test S: Simulated solar radiation at ground level and guidance for solar radiation testing and weathering (IEC 60068-2-5:2018); German version EN IEC 60068-2-5:2018 More 
DIN EN IEC 60664-1 ; VDE 0110-1:2022-07 2022-07 Insulation coordination for equipment within low-voltage supply systems - Part 1: Principles, requirements and tests (IEC 60664-1:2020); German version EN IEC 60664-1:2020 More