NA 022

DKE German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN and VDE

DIN EN IEC 60068-3-7 ; VDE 0468-3-7:2022-11 [CURRENT] references following documents:

Document number Edition Title
DIN EN 60068-2-81 2004-07 Environmental testing - Part 2-81: Tests - Test Ei: Shock - Shock response spectrum synthesis (IEC 60068-2-81:2003); German version EN 60068-2-81:2003 More 
DIN EN 60068-2-83 2012-07 Environmental testing - Part 2-83: Tests - Test Tf: Solderability testing of electronic components for surface mounting devices (SMD) by the wetting balance method using solder paste (IEC 60068-2-83:2011); German version EN 60068-2-83:2011 More 
DIN EN 60068-3-11 ; VDE 0468-3-11:2008-03 2008-03 Environmental testing - Part 3-11: Supporting documentation and guidance - Calculation of uncertainty of conditions in climatic test chambers (IEC 60068-3-11:2007); German version EN 60068-3-11:2007 More 
DIN EN 60068-3-13 ; VDE 0468-3-13:2017-04 2017-04 Environmental testing - Part 3-13: Supporting documentation and guidance on Test T - Soldering (IEC 60068-3-13:2016); German version EN 60068-3-13:2016 More 
DIN EN 60068-3-2 2000-02 Environmental testing - Part 3: Background information; section 2: Combined temperature/low air pressure tests (IEC 60068-3-2:1976); German version EN 60068-3-2:1999 More 
DIN EN 60068-3-8 2004-09 Environmental testing - Part 3-8: Supporting documentation and guidance - Selecting amongst vibration tests (IEC 60068-3-8:2003); German version EN 60068-3-8:2003 More 
DIN EN 60068-4 1996-10 Environmental testing - Part 4: Information for specification writers - Test summaries (IEC 60068-4:1987 + A1:1992 + A2:1994); German version EN 60068-4:1996 More 
DIN EN 60068-5-2 2000-08 Environmental testing - Part 5: Guide to drafting of test methods; terms and definitions (IEC 60068-5-2:1990); German version EN 60068-5-2:1999 More 
DIN EN 60584-1 2014-07 Thermocouples - Part 1: EMF specifications and tolerances (IEC 60584-1:2013); German version EN 60584-1:2013 More 
IEC 60068-2-1 2007-03 Environmental testing - Part 2-1: Tests - Test A: Cold More