NA 022

DKE German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN and VDE

DIN EN IEC 61980-1 ; VDE 0122-10-1:2021-09 [CURRENT] references following documents:

Document number Edition Title
IEC 60050-195 2021-06 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) - Part 195: Earthing and protection against electric shock More 
IEC 60050-212 2010-06 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) - Part 212: Electrical insulating solids, liquids and gases More 
IEC 60050-441 1984 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary. Part 441 : Chapter 441: Switchgear, controlgear and fuses More 
IEC 60050-442 1998-11 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Part 442: Electrical accessories More 
IEC 60695-11-5 2016-12 Fire hazard testing - Part 11-5: Test flames - Needle-flame test method - Apparatus, confirmatory test arrangement and guidance More 
IEC 61000-6-1 2016-08 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-1: Generic standards - Immunity standard for residential, commercial and light-industrial environments More 
IEC 61000-6-2 2016-08 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-2: Generic standards - Immunity standard for industrial environments More 
IEC 61140 2016-01 Protection against electric shock - Common aspects for installations and equipment More 
IEC 61851-1 2017-02 Electric vehicle conductive charging system - Part 1: General requirements More 
IEC 61851-21-2 2018-04 Electric vehicle conductive charging system - Part 21-2: Electric vehicle requirements for conductive connection to an AC/DC supply - EMC requirements for off-board electric vehicle charging systems More