NA 022

DKE German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN and VDE

DIN EN IEC 60282-1 ; VDE 0670-4:2021-12 [CURRENT] references following documents:

Document number Edition Title
DIN VDE 0670-402 ; VDE 0670-402:2014-11 2014-11 A.C. switchgear and controlgear for voltages above 1 kV - Application guide for the selection of current-limiting fuse-links for transformer circuits More 
IEC 60050-441 1984 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary. Part 441 : Chapter 441: Switchgear, controlgear and fuses More 
IEC 60050-441 AMD 1 2000-07 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Chapter 441: Switchgear, controlgear and fuses; Amendment 1 More 
IEC 60050-614 2016-02 International electrotechnical vocabulary - Part 614: Generation, transmission and distribution of electricity - Operation More 
IEC 60076-7 2018-01 Power transformers - Part 7: Loading guide for mineral-oil-immersed power transformers More 
IEC 60085 2007-11 Electrical insulation - Thermal evaluation and designation More 
IEC 60282-1 2020-04 High-voltage fuses - Part 1: Current-limiting fuses More 
IEC/TR 62655 2013-05 Tutorial and application guide for high-voltage fuses More 
ISO 179-2 2020-05 Plastics - Determination of Charpy impact properties - Part 2: Instrumented impact test More