NA 022

DKE German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN and VDE

DIN VDE 0620-1 ; VDE 0620-1:2021-02 [CURRENT] references following documents:

Document number Edition Title
DIN 49447 1991-10 Three-pole socket-outlets with N- and earthing contacts 25 A 400/230 V a.c.; principal dimensions More 
DIN 50965 2020-04 Electroplated coatings - Tin-coatings on iron- and copper-materials More 
IEC 60417-DB 2002-10 Graphical symbols for use on equipment More 
IEC/TS 61201 2007-08 Use of conventional touch voltage limits - Application guide More 
DIN VDE V 0628-1 ; VDE V 0628-1:2018-02 2018-02 Energy plug and socket outlets - Part 1: Feeding into separate electric circuits More