NA 022

DKE German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN and VDE

DIN EN 60068-2-68 [CURRENT] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
DIN EN 61935-2 ; VDE 0819-935-2:2011-06 2011-06 Specification for the testing of balanced and coaxial information technology cabling - Part 2: Cords as specified in ISO/IEC 11801 and related standards (IEC 61935-2:2010); German version EN 61935-2:2010 More 
DIN EN 61978-1 ; VDE 0885-978-1:2015-03 2015-03 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Fibre optic passive chromatic dispersion compensators - Part 1: Generic specification (IEC 61978-1:2014); German version EN 61978-1:2014 More 
DIN EN 62134-1 ; VDE 0888-741:2010-07 2010-07 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Fibre optic closures - Part 1: Generic specification (IEC 62134-1:2009); German version EN 62134-1:2009 More 
DIN EN 62258-1 ; VDE 0884-101:2011-04 2011-04 Semiconductor die products - Part 1: Procurement and use (IEC 62258-1:2009); German version EN 62258-1:2010 More 
DIN EN 62310-3 ; VDE 0558-310-3:2009-04 2009-04 Static transfer systems (STS) - Part 3: Method for specifying performance and test requirements (IEC 62310-3:2008); German version EN 62310-3:2008 More 
DIN IEC 62303 ; VDE 0493-1-50:2010-04 2010-04 Radiation protection instrumentation - Equipment for monitoring airborne tritium (IEC 62303:2008) More 
DIN-Fachbericht CLC/TR 62125 2009-07 Environmental statement specific to TC 20 - Electric cables (IEC/TR 62125:2007); German version CLC/TR 62125:2008 More