NA 022

DKE German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN and VDE

DIN EN 55014-1 ; VDE 0875-14-1 [Withdrawn] references following documents:

Document number Edition Title
IEC 60050-161 AMD 2 1998-04 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Chapter 161: Electromagnetic compatibility; Amendment 2 More 
IEC 60050-161 AMD 3 2014-02 International elektrotechnical vocabulary - Part 161: Electromagnetic compatibility; Amendment 3 More 
IEC 60050-161 AMD 4 2014-08 International elektrotechnical vocabulary - Part 161: Electromagnetic compatibility; Amendment 4 More 
IEC 60050-161 AMD 5 2015-02 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Part 161: Electromagnetic compatibility; Amendment 5 More 
IEC 61000-4-22 2010-10 Electromagnetic compability (EMC) - Part 4-22: Testing and measurement techniques - Radiated emissions and immunity measurements in fully anechoic rooms (FARs) More 
CISPR 11 2015-06 Industrial, scientific and medical equipment - Radio-frequency disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement More 
CISPR 12 2007-05 Vehicles, boats, and internal combustion engines - Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement for the protection of off-board receivers More 
CISPR/TR 16-4-3 2004-05 Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 4-3: Uncertainties, statistics and limit modelling - Statistical considerations in the determination of EMC compliance of mass-produced products More 
DIN EN 55012 ; VDE 0879-1:2010-04 2010-04 Vehicles, boats and internal combustion engines - Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement for the protection of off-board receivers (IEC/CISPR 12:2007 + A1:2009); German version EN 55012:2007 + A1:2009 More 
DIN EN 55016-2-2 ; VDE 0877-16-2-2:2011-09 2011-09 Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 2-2: Methods of measurement of disturbances and immunity - Measurement of disturbance power (CISPR 16-2-2:2010); German version EN 55016-2-2:2011 More