NA 022

DKE German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN and VDE

DIN VDE V 0628-2 ; VDE V 0628-2:2018-02 references following documents:

Document number Edition Title
DIN EN 61140 ; VDE 0140-1:2016-11 2016-11 Protection against electric shock - Common aspects for installation and equipment (IEC 61140:2016); German version EN 61140:2016 More 
DIN EN 61210 ; VDE 0613-6:2011-06 2011-06 Connecting devices - Flat quick-connect terminations for electrical copper conductors - Safety requirements (IEC 61210:2010, modified); German version EN 61210:2010 More 
IEC 60050-581 2008-09 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Part 581: Electromechanical components for electronic equipment More 
DIN EN 60068-2-14 ; VDE 0468-2-14:2010-04 2010-04 Environmental testing - Part 2-14: Tests - Test N: Change of temperature (IEC 60068-2-14:2009); German version EN 60068-2-14:2009 More 
DIN EN 60068-2-75 ; VDE 0468-2-75:2015-08 2015-08 Environmental testing - Part 2-75: Tests - Test Eh: Hammer tests (IEC 60068-2-75:2014); German version EN 60068-2-75:2014 More 
DIN EN 60068-2-78 ; VDE 0468-2-78:2014-02 2014-02 Environmental testing - Part 2-78: Tests - Test Cab: Damp heat, steady state (IEC 60068-2-78:2012); German version EN 60068-2-78:2013 More 
DIN EN 60352-2 2014-04 Solderless connections - Part 2: Crimped connections - General requirements, test methods and practical guidance (IEC 60352-2:2006 + A1:2013); German version EN 60352-2:2006 + A1:2013 More 
DIN EN 60512-10-4 2004-06 Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 10-4: Impact tests (free components), static load tests and overload tests - endurance tests and overload tests - Test 10d: Electrical overload (connectors) (IEC 60512-10-4:2003); German version EN 60512-10-4:2003 More 
DIN EN 60512-1-1 2003-01 Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 1-1: General examination; Test 1a: Visual examination (IEC 60512-1-1:2002); German version EN 60512-1-1:2002 More 
DIN EN 60512-1-100 ; VDE 0687-512-1-100:2012-10 2012-10 Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 1-100: General - Applicable publications (IEC 60512-1-100:2012); German version EN 60512-1-100:2012 More