NA 022

DKE German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN and VDE

DIN EN 61347-2-13 ; VDE 0712-43:2017-10 [CURRENT] references following documents:

Document number Edition Title
DIN EN 61558-2-2 ; VDE 0570-2-2:2007-11 2007-11 Safety of power transformers, power supplies, reactors and similar products - Part 2-2: Particular requirements and tests for control transformers and power supplies incorporating control transformers (IEC 61558-2-2:2007); German version EN 61558-2-2:2007 More 
DIN EN 61558-2-20 ; VDE 0570-2-20:2011-09 2011-09 Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply units and combinations thereof - Part 2-20: Particular requirements and tests for small reactors (IEC 61558-2-20:2010); German version EN 61558-2-20:2011 More 
DIN EN 61558-2-23 ; VDE 0570-2-23:2011-07 2011-07 Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply units and combinations thereof - Part 2-23: Particular requirements and tests for transformers and power supply units for construction sites (IEC 61558-2-23:2010); German version EN 61558-2-23:2010 More 
DIN EN 61558-2-26 ; VDE 0570-2-26:2014-05 2014-05 Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply units and combinations thereof - Part 2-26: Particular requirements and tests for transformers and power supply units for saving energy and other purposes (IEC 61558-2-26:2013); German version EN 61558-2-26:2013 More 
DIN EN 61558-2-3 ; VDE 0570-2-3:2011-03 2011-03 Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply units and combinations thereof - Part 2-3: Particular requirements and tests for ignition transformers for gas and oil burners (IEC 61558-2-3:2010); German version EN 61558-2-3:2010 More 
DIN EN 61558-2-4 ; VDE 0570-2-4:2009-12 2009-12 Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply units and similar products for supply voltages up to 1100 V - Part 2-4: Particular requirements and tests for isolating transformers and power supply units incorporating isolating transformers (IEC 61558-2-4:2009); German version EN 61558-2-4:2009 More 
DIN EN 61558-2-5 ; VDE 0570-2-5:2011-03 2011-03 Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply units and combinations thereof - Part 2-5: Particular requirements and tests for transformer for shavers, power supply units for shavers and shaver supply units (IEC 61558-2-5:2010); German version EN 61558-2-5:2010 More 
DIN EN 61558-2-6 ; VDE 0570-2-6:2010-04 2010-04 Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply units and similar products for supply voltages up to 1100 V - Part 2-6: Particular requirements and tests for safety isolating transformers and power supply units incorporating safety isolating transformers (IEC 61558-2-6:2009); German version EN 61558-2-6:2009 More 
DIN EN 61558-2-7 ; VDE 0570-2-7:2008-06 2008-06 Safety of power transformers, power supplies, reactors and similar products - Part 2-7: Particular requirements and tests for transformers and power supplies for toys (IEC 61558-2-7:2007, modified); German version EN 61558-2-7:2007 More 
DIN EN 61558-2-8 ; VDE 0570-2-8:2011-03 2011-03 Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply units and combinations thereof - Part 2-8: Particular requirements and tests for transformers and power supply units for bells and chimes (IEC 61558-2-8:2010); German version EN 61558-2-8:2010 More