NA 022

DKE German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN and VDE

DIN EN 60794-3-20 ; VDE 0888-320:2017-06 [CURRENT] references following documents:

Document number Edition Title
DIN EN 60811-302 ; VDE 0473-811-302:2012-12 2012-12 Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials - Part 302: Electrical tests - Measurement of the d.c. resistivity at 23 °C and 100 °C of filling compounds (IEC 60811-302:2012); German version EN 60811-302:2012 More 
IEC 60794-3-10 2015-01 Optical fibre cables - Part 3-10: Outdoor cables - Family specification for duct, directly buried or lashed aerial optical telecommunication cables More 
IEC 60794-3-11 2010-06 Optical fibre cables - Part 3-11: Outdoor cables - Product specification for duct, directly buried, and lashed aerial single-mode optical fibre telecommunication cables More 
IEC 60794-3-20 2016-09 Optical fibre cables - Part 3-20: Outdoor cables - Family specification for self-supporting aerial telecommunication cables More 
IEC 60794-3-21 2015-11 Optical fibre cables - Part 3-21: Outdoor cables - Product specification for optical self-supporting aerial telecommunication cables for use in premises cabling More 
IEC 60794-3-30 2008-04 Optical fibre cables - Part 3-30: Outdoor cables - Family specification for optical telecommunication cables for lakes, river crossings and coastal applications More 
IEC 60794-3-50 2008-10 Optical fibre cables - Part 3-50: Outdoor cables - Family specification for gas pipe cables and subducts for installation by blowing and/or pulling/dragging in gas pipes More 
IEC 60794-3-60 2008-10 Optical fibre cables - Part 3-60: Outdoor cables - Family specification for drinking water pipe cables and subducts for installation by blowing and/or pulling/dragging/floating in drinking water pipes More 
IEC/TR 62691 2016-06 Optical fibre cables - Guidelines to the installation of optical fibre cables More 
IEC/TR 62839-1 2014-11 Environmental declaration - Part 1: Wires, cables and accessory products - Specific rules More