NA 022

DKE German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN and VDE

DIN EN 62305-2 Beiblatt 1 ; VDE 0185-305-2 Beiblatt 1:2013-02 [CURRENT] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
DWA-A 362-1 2024-10 Anlagen für die Aufbereitung und Einspeisung von Biogas in Gasversorgungsnetze - Teil 1: Planung, Fertigung, Errichtung, Prüfung und Inbetriebnahme More 
EN 50341-2-4 2019-05 Overhead electrical lines exceeding AC 1 kV - Part 2-4: National Normative Aspects (NNA) for GERMANY (based on EN 50341- 1:2012) More 
VDI 2883 Blatt 1 2020-01 Maintenance of photovoltaic installations - Fundamentals More 
VDI 3819 Blatt 1 2016-10 Fire protection for buildings - Fundamentals for building services - Terminology, acts, ordinances, technical rules More 
VDI 3819 Blatt 3 2009-01 Fire protection in building services - Fire protection planning and briefing - Obligations, contents and documentation More 
VDI 6002 Blatt 1 2014-03 Solar heating for potable water - Basic principles - System technology and application in residential buildings More 
VDI/BV-BS 6206 Blatt 1 2015-06 Buildings constructed with reusable pre-assembled room units in steel frame construction - Fundamentals More 
VdS 2311 2021-10 VdS-Richtlinien für Einbruchmeldeanlagen - Planung und Einbau More 
VG 95374-4 2020-01 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) including electromagnetic pulse (EMP) and lightning protection - Program and procedures - Part 4: Procedures for systems and equipment; Text in German and English More 
VG 96903-77 2023-05 Nuclear electromagnetic pulse (NEMP) and lightning protection - Test methods, test equipment and limits - Part 77: Testing of combined protective devices (KSE) for immunity to lightning disturbance (Test method LF 77); Text in German and English More