NA 022

DKE German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN and VDE

DIN EN 62305-3 ; VDE 0185-305-3:2011-10 [CURRENT] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
DGUV Regel 113-017 ; BGR/GUV-R 242:2017-02 2017-02 Tätigkeiten mit Explosivstoffen More 
DIN CLC/TS 50703-1 ; VDE V 0185-703-1:2022-08 2022-08 Lightning Protection System Components (LPSC) - Part 1: Testing requirements for metal sheets' joints used in LPS; German version CLC/TS 50703-1:2021 More 
DIN CLC/TS 50703-2 ; VDE V 0185-703-2:2021-11 2021-11 Lightning Protection System Components (LPSC) - Part 2: Specific testing requirements for LPS components used in explosive atmospheres; German version CLC/TS 50703-2:2020 More 
DIN CLC/TS 51643-32 ; VDE V 0675-5-32:2022-12 2022-12 Low-voltage surge protective devices - Part 32: Surge protective devices connected to the DC side of photovoltaic installations - Selection and application principles; German version CLC/TS 51643-32:2020 More 
DIN CLC/TS 61643-22 ; VDE V 0845-3-2:2017-06 2017-06 Low-voltage surge protective devices - Part 22: Surge protective devices connected to telecommunications and signalling networks - Selection and application principles (IEC 61643-22:2015, modified); German version CLC/TS 61643-22:2016 More 
DIN EN IEC 60709 ; VDE 0491-7:2020-05 2020-05 Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation, control and electrical power systems important to safety - Separation (IEC 60709:2018); German version EN IEC 60709:2019 More 
DIN EN IEC 61400-1 ; VDE 0127-1:2019-12 2019-12 Wind energy generation systems - Part 1: Design requirements (IEC 61400-1:2019); German version EN IEC 61400-1:2019 More 
DIN EN IEC 61400-24 ; VDE 0127-24:2020-11 2020-11 Wind energy generation systems - Part 24: Lightning protection (IEC 61400-24:2019); German version EN IEC 61400-24:2019 More 
DIN EN IEC 61820-3-2 ; VDE 0161-120-3-2:2024-12 2024-12 Electrical installations for lighting and beaconing of aerodromes - Part 3-2: Requirements for power supplies - Particular requirements for series circuits (IEC 61820-3-2:2023); German version EN IEC 61820-3-2:2023 More 
DIN EN IEC 61936-1 ; VDE 0101-1:2023-02 2023-02 Power installations exceeding 1 kV AC and 1,5 kV DC - Part 1: AC (IEC 61936-1:2021); German version EN IEC 61936-1:2021 More