NA 022

DKE German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN and VDE

DIN EN 60689 [CURRENT] references following documents:

Document number Edition Title
IEC 60027-1 1992-12 Letter symbols to be used in electrical technology; part 1: general More 
IEC 60027-1 AMD 1 1997-05 Letter symbols to be used in electrical technology - Part 1: General; Amendment 1 More 
IEC 60027-1 AMD 2 2005-10 Letter symbols to be used in electrical technology - Part 1: General; Amendment 2 More 
IEC 60027-1 Corrigendum 1 1993-04 Letter symbols to be used in electrical technology - Part 1: General; Corrigendum 1 More 
IEC 60027-3 2002-07 Letter symbols to be used in electrical technology - Part 3: Logarithmic and related quantities, and their units More 
IEC 60027-4 2006-12 Letter symbols to be used in electrical technology - Part 4: Rotating electric machines More 
IEC 60027-6 2006-12 Letter symbols to be used in electrical technology - Part 6: Control technology More 
IEC 60122-1 ; QC 680000:2002-08 2002-08 Quartz crystal units of assessed quality - Part 1: Generic specification More 
IEC 60444-1 1986 Measurement of quartz crystal unit parameters by zero phase technique in a π-network; part 1: basic method for the measurement of resonance frequency and resonance resistance of quartz crystal units by zero phase technique in a π-network More 
IEC 60444-1 AMD 1 1999-08 Measurement of quartz crystal unit parameters by zero phase technique in a π-network - Part 1: Basic method for the measurement of resonance frequency and resonance resistance of quartz crystal units by zero phase technique in a π-network; Amendment 1 More