NA 022
DKE German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN and VDE
DIN IEC 50/395/CD-1 [Withdrawn] references following documents:
Document number | Edition | Title |
Document number EN 60068-2-29 | Edition 1993-04 | Title Basic environmental testing procedures; part 2: tests; test Eb and guidance: bump (IEC 60068-2-29:1987) More |
Document number EN 60068-2-31 | Edition 1993-04 | Title Basic environmental testing procedures; part 2: tests; test Ec: drop and topple, primarily for equipment-type specimens (IEC 60068-2-31:1969 + A1:1982) More |
Document number EN 60068-2-32 | Edition 1993-04 | Title Basic environmental testing procedures; part 2: tests; test Ed: free fall (IEC 60068-2-32:1975 + A1:1982 + A2:1990) More |
Document number EN 60068-2-47 | Edition 1993-04 | Title Basic environmental testing procedures; part 2: tests; mounting of components, equipment and other articles for dynamic tests including shock (Ea), bump (Eb), vibration (Fc and Fd) and steady-state acceleration (Ga) and guidance (IEC 60068-2-47:1982) More |
Document number EN 60068-2-6 | Edition 1995-04 | Title Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests - Tests Fc: Vibration (sinusoidal) (IEC 60068-2-6:1995 + Corrigendum 1995) More |
Document number EN 60068-2-64 | Edition 1994-06 | Title Environmental testing - Part 2: Test methods - Test Fh: Vibration, broad-band random (digital control) and guidance (IEC 60068-2-64:1993 + Corrigendum 1993) More |
Document number EN 60721-3-0 | Edition 1993-07 | Title Classification of environmental conditions; part 3: classification of groups of environmental parameters and their severities; introduction (IEC 60721-3-0:1984 + A1:1987) More |
Document number EN 60721-3-1 | Edition 1993-05 | Title Classification of environmental conditions; part 3: classification of groups of environmental parameters and their severities; storage (IEC 60721-3-1:1987 + A1:1991) More |
Document number EN 60721-3-1/A2 | Edition 1994-10 | Title Classification of environmental conditions - Part 3: Classification of groups of environmental parameters and their severities - Storage; Amendment A2 (IEC 60721-3-1:1987/A2:1993) More |
Document number EN 60721-3-2 | Edition 1993-06 | Title Classification of environmental conditions; part 3: classification of groups of environmental parameters and their severities; transportation (IEC 60721-3-2:1985 + A1:1991) More |